Friday, December 3, 2010

Extended period - untimed down

An unusual ending to the first half in game 1 last weekend that really needed to have the captains thinking clearly about the choice of a penalty. It is not as simple to extend the half only if Team B are penalized. This can occur if Team A are penalised in certain situations such as the one below.

Team A had 5 men in the backfield and flag was thrown for a live ball foul. Team A completed a pass in the EZ for a score. Time expired during the down.

Team B had the choice of:
1. Decline the penalty, Team A score and end of the half.
2. Accept the penalty, Team A don't score but the down is replayed and the half is expended for an untimed down.

The key to this is by accepting the penalty enforcement the down is replayed, even to extend the half for an untimed down. You cannot accept the penalty and not replay the down.

Here is the rule:
Extension of Periods
ARTICLE 3. a. A period shall be extended for an untimed down (other than a try) if during a down in which time expires one or more of the following occurs (A.R. 3-2-3-I-VIII):
1. A penalty is accepted for a live-ball foul(s) not treated as a dead-ball foul (Exception: Rule 10-2-5-a). The period is not extended if the statement of the penalty includes loss of down (A.R. 3-2-3-IX).
2. There are offsetting fouls.
3. An official sounds his whistle inadvertently or otherwise incorrectly signals the ball dead.

So by reading the rule there is nothing to say that only Team B fouls extend a quarter. In fact if Team A are leading and time expires in a half on a Team B foul they don't have to accept the penalty and play another down. They could decline the penalty and the half ends. We cannot use the generic statement that a half cannot end on a Team B penalty. It can only end if the penalty is declined.

AR - Time expires during Team A’s run for a touchdown after A70 fouls at the snap or clips during the down. RULING: Penalty—Five yards from the previous spot for the foul at the snap or 15 yards for the clip. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot if the clippingfoul occurs behind the neutral zone. The period is extended.

Quick question:
What if the same situation occurs at the end of the first or thrid quarter? Would you:
A. Accept the penalty and extend the quarter from the same end to replay the down.
B. Accept the penalty, change ends and then replay the down at the other end of the field and normal clock rules apply.
C. Decline the penalty to let Team A score and free kick for the new quarter after the extra point play.

Grant Martin

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