Monday, October 4, 2010

Sniping / Head-hunting

To follow up on week 3 last year we are making it clear that for a player to be blocked well away from the ball and out of the play is not to be done or when someone has relaxed and the ball has become dead.

We were told later that this wasn't called in other places and to hear this shocks me when it is a safety call. It is not on to take a shot at someone who is blindsided and well out of the play. One was called in game 1 and another close to being called in game 2 and the player warned about it.

From week 3 2009:
Most of the NCAA football anyone here ever sees is Div 1 and in Div 1 you rarely have "spectators" on the field, unlike our level where this is remarkably common. The objections are always along the lines of "if they're on the field they should be ready to get hit" and I understand where you are coming from and even agree to a point. The question our officials mentally ask to clarify is simply "was the block made in aid of the ball carrier / tackler or was it simply taking a shot?" If you are taking a shot at a player who has pulled up as they've realised the ball has become dead even if the whistle hasn't yet gone you will get flagged. Football is a collision sport and we do not want to remove the contact at all. Nowhere in any true football program is there a place for players who only want to fly around the field taking shots at people just because they can. That is not football, just thuggery.

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