Sunday, February 24, 2008


Congratulations to all who participated in the 2007/08 Grand Final. Who would have thought the Eagles would have 2 scores before the half time. What a way for the Razorbacks to come back and the Eagles take it right up to them to the end of the game.

I wish to thank those people who have been proactive in learning the rules, its interpretations and making the necessary adjustments to become better players and teams. You should all be proud of your efforts.

As the game comes to a close many participants turn to what the future will hold for them in the game of gridiron. Some will retire and leave the game for a break while others will move onto other duties within the league or club. Don't forget to come join the officials to help boost the ranks. Wouldn't it be great to have 10 officials who only do 1 game a week and not have to double up any games in 1 night. 2 or 3 extra people would be great so come join SAGOA.

While SAGOA have used the blog as a tool to improve communication and rules knowledge for 2007/08 the desired outcomes have not been produced, in fact players are now arguing the blog comments on the field during a game and some people just disregard the information at their own peril saying that in particular circumstances the rules don't apply to them.

A few weeks ago I wrote about a player saying that 'it's not our job to teach the rules.' Since then I have reflected the use of the blog and weekly newsletters previously used. It appears such efforts are a waste of time across the league. Because of this incident I have also looked at my own goals and involvement in gridiron for the future. While I have not absolutely made up my mind I am considering leaving onfield duties to take up another role in officiating or leaving SAGOA altogether.

While I do make some errors in officiating because I am only human the comments from players and sideline personnel are disrespectful and many a time uneducated. The worse thing is a player or other team member in uniform 'telling' an official how to do something or a rule is something that is not even NCAA, rather it is NFL, or that a rule doesn't apply to Australia.

Just how often has an official gone up to a player and verbally told him how silly he was for dropping a pass or for missing a block that allowed his player to be tackled? The reality is that SAGOA is not the keeper of the rules and have no responsibility to take on the role of teaching the rules to clubs, unless the clubs invite the officials to attend a rules training session. But how effective would this be? Probably very ineffective as from experience nothing would actually change but rather cause more arguments.

Those 'arguments' are something I no longer want to be a part of nor have to continue justifying a rule that some people have never taken the time to actually read in the context of all the rules. What the future will now hold and if and how I continue will depend on what my family expects and how participants reflect back on their conduct as well. Apologising after the fact about your own personal conduct towards myself and officials is to late.

Grant Martin


Unknown said...

It seems to be a common theme across Australia with uneducated players continually mouthing off at officials. My only question is why don't we flag them for this. If a few games early in the season turn into a flag fest so be it, but they will learn. I've only been ref'ing for 2 seasons but next season I'll be pushing for teams to be advised exactly what the rules are for addressing officials, how far they need to be back from the side line and what the penalties are if they don't and then we enforce them during the games.
Unfortunately we tend to give out warnings and then other player does it so it's another warning and they just keep getting away with it, where as if we warn the whole team prior to the season and each game then the first instance it's a flag.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if players would shut the hell up and play the game of football it wouldnt be such a problem .. but when they screw up they look for a scapegoat which is the rules ... however they dont USE the NCAA rules they use their OWN rules.. the ones they made up the night before ... you know the ones that make them the winner regardless of what they do to win ..

One game i was accused of costing a team the game because i didnt call something that the player saw .. FUNNY how the team on the sideline 50 yrds away could see through 11 people to the other side of the field ??? hmmm ??

Also they NEVER learn that they cant came stand next to you and try and tell YOU what happened ... no matter what you say or flag.

Well that just about covers it ..

OH and P.S contrary to what you think ITS IS NOT ALWAYS PASS INTERFERENCE..

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse the flip side is that theres a team on a side line wondering how the hell you missed it from 3 yds away.

By the way its natural for people to point the other way. Officials too.

Anonymous said...

haha typical sideline comment. the official saw it but chose to ignore it as it didn't affect the play. only you think he missed it. or he saw the end of what happened but not the start of what happened so can't throw a flag on what he think might have happened.
sidelines should just shut the mouths and learn to play football and beat the other team not the officials. Got It.

Anonymous said...

"Of course the flip side is that theres a team on a side line wondering how the hell you missed it from 3 yds away."

Funny that you say that because even if he did give the team the penalty it would have NOT won the game... not even close to winning.

^ Give them a flip through some time.

Anonymous said...

"haha typical sideline comment. the official saw it but chose to ignore it as it didn't affect the play. only you think he missed it. "

Actually I don't think anything. I don't know what official, play, game, or team you are talking about.
But human nature does affect everybody. Officials also.

Anonymous said...

"Funny that you say that because even if he did give the team the penalty it would have NOT won the game... not even close to winning."

Winning isn't everything.

Anonymous said...

"Winning isn't everything"

They would not stop saying that the "officials cost them the game" it wasn't their players... but the officials, oh i get it now.

Players know everything.

Ok, from now on every play is pass interference... both ways.

Anonymous said...

This is where all the action is?

Why so aggressive?

We were lucky enough to have a game won for us this year. Im happyt.

Anonymous said...

"Why so aggressive?"

You get kind of sick of players questioning every call you make no matter how obvious it was. Jump in a striped shirt and see what it's like.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you know what ... why dont the players come and officate for a season ... well come on what have you got to lose..

Im sure EACH team can part with a player for a season to come and officate .. comeon guys since you already say you KNOW the rules we wont even need to train you right ??