Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 4 Comments

A much shorter post this week as there were relatively few problems to comment on.

Firstly and most importantly, quality of sportsmanship was very high and consequently so was the quality of the games. Well done to all involved for focusing on the game and avoiding the peripheral activity.

Another reminder about spearing seems to be due this week though, with a number of flags and a large number of warnings. Keep your head up at all times and this is not going to be a problem for the most part, as the calls we've been making have all been from seeing the drop in the head at the last moment. Remember that both offensive and defensive players are prohibited from spearing - it is not only the defenders who can get called for it.

Regarding celebrations, there have been a number that have been called as taunting recently as the celebration is occurring right over the top of the tackled player. I realise that it is not as cut and dried as a TD score celebration, but defenders must not be facing the opposition bench or their opponent in order to avoid this penalty. On scoring celebrations, remember that the rule is "Score Legally" - in other words no high stepping or uncontested dives into the endzone etc. One was not flagged on the weekend, it should have been, and will be next time around.

Other than that, a good week for you guys from our perspective.


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