Sunday, October 14, 2007

Officiating Tips

Well done to those who showed up Sunday for the final day of training before the first round of matches. I hope you found day 2 just as exciting and informative and helps you ready for the upcoming season which will start with a bang in 1 weeks time.

Please check here and the SAGOA web site each week for updates and let me know through email what your weekly availability is so that I can record this and create balanced crews.

The BLOG will be updated with rules knowledge, interpretations and urgent changes to mechanics that we use while the web site will be used more as an encyclopedia to refer back to.

While we covered rules as a part of the process of the game it is where we are positioned and what we look for that is vital to safety and fair play. Keep asking questions and remember the answers. Keep improving yourself each week and if need be keep a diary of your questions and answers. It won't matter how good you know the rule book from front to back cover it is how you judge the play according to the rules and interpretations from the NCAA Rules Committee and local modifications.

Anyhow keep reading and asking and look forward to next week.

Grant Martin
SAGOA Training Officer

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